Handmade Lacquer Wooden Etikoppaka Toy Kids Friend Small Lord Ganesha

MRP Can$ 9.17
Ettikopaka toys are renowned for their unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern themes, and one delightful example is the depiction of Lord Ganesha playing a guitar. This representation combines cultural reverence with a contemporary twist, showcasing the artisans' creativity and adaptability.
  • Primary Material : Ivory wood
  • Weight : 500 g
  • Dimensions : 16*8*6 cm

The Ettikopaka Ganesha with a guitar is a fascinating blend of tradition and modernity, showcasing the creativity and adaptability of Ettikopaka artisans. This innovative representation of a beloved deity not only preserves cultural heritage but also appeals to contemporary sensibilities, ensuring that the traditional craft continues to thrive in the modern world.

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